Creative Landing

Modular Design

Truly one of the most powerful and advanced grid. Truly one of the most powerful and advanced grid.

Mobile Ready

Uncode comes with pixel perfect & clean design to satisfy any possible an impossible needs

Top Performance

Automatically adapt and set your images sizes for best quality on all devices and resolutions.

Elite Support

A perfect responsive theme powered with selective options for different screen and monitors.

How it works

This app does everything you could possibly want it to do and not only that, it is beautifully and designed and extremely intuitive to use.

Request early access

Try our new application trial today and you get 14 days for free!

    Creative Director

    About me

    Experience and beautiful aesthetics.

    I have worked with a number of clients, both through agencies and independently. I have worked with a number of clients, both through agencies and independently.
    Sometimes, I am fortunate enough to win some awards & recognition.









    From the blog

    Articles & News

    My publications and articles about UI/UX Design. A digression in my design workflow & methodologies.


    Hello world!

    Calm over the horizon

    Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company.…

    Inspired by clouds

    Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for…

    Let's create!

    For any work proposal send an email:

    My passion is working closely with interesting companies to visually elevate their brand. Sometimes I am available to develop new freelance projects. Let's talk & find a fit.

    Creative Digital Agency


    We develop digital strategies, products and services.

    Uncode is a creative marketing agency that specializes in strategy, creativity, design and innovative technology.



    Talk to us about new work

    Our core clients are from the Europe countries, but we are happy to work with clients from all over the globe.

      Creative Corporation

      The Uncode Corporation showcases 100 of the most innovative solutions from every corner of the globe that are working to create a cleaner future and deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals.

      By systematically working with the global sustainability community to uncover and assess innovative projects, Sustainia has, over the last ve years, built a comprehensive database of more than 4,500 sustainable solutions from all over the world. Our external advisory board, this year consisting of 24 experts from 20 leading global research organiza- tions, plays a crucial role in assisting us in vetting solutions to ensure that our ve evaluation criteria are upheld.

      " About 2.6 billion people in developing countries face di culties accessing electricity, while about 800 million lack access to water. In many African countries, these infrastructure constraints reduce productivity by 40%. "

      — Carlton Sparks, Executive Officer

      Swedish property company Vasakronan issued the world’s rst corporate green bond, and is nancing investments to develop low-impact, climate-friendly building projects, issued the world’s first corporate green bond, raising $160 million.

      Hot water in many commercial facilities is normally supplied via central boilers powered by fossil fuels, while air cooling is supplied by electric chillers. By us- ing a self-contained water heat pump, Energy takes unused thermal energy from existing air-conditioning systems and transfers it to the boilers’ circuit. This new and efficient thermal energy can then be used in showers, pools, and kitchens.

      With an adaptive green approach, Uncode Corporation transformed one of America’s oldest market into energy. We are a production company with love for sustainability and save energeticas.

      Uncode Corporation partners with vendors all around the world and cities to build and operate local greenhouses that cut time, distance, and costs in the market supply chain. Today, the global economy generates 85% more economic value.

      Our external advisory board, this year consisting of 24 experts from 20 leading global research organiza- tions, plays a crucial role in assisting us in vetting solutions to ensure that our ve evaluation criteria are upheld. By us- ing a self-contained water heat pump, Energy takes unused thermal energy from existing air-conditioning systems and transfers it to the boilers’ circuit. This new and efficient thermal energy can then be used in showers, pools, and kitchens.

      " Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he himself has sealed. "

      — Carlton Sparks, Executive Officer

      The annual Uncode publication showcases 100 of the most innovative solutions from every corner of the globe that are working to create a cleaner, greener future and deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals.

      Intelligent Energy Management
      Green Bonds for Low-Impact Building
      Incentivizing Green Commutes for Employees


      Hello world!

      Calm over the horizon

      Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many different jobs. I mainly managed projects and worked as a video editor. On…

      Contact us for support, media, or general inquiries.

      Our administration office will be happy to contact you about advanced inquiries and to address you to our expert office:

        Creative Department

        Our team









        We are an agency that focuses on digital design solutions. We outline, design and develop online media and applications for brands and companies.

        Our works

        Corporate websites, online shops, campaigns or apps. We have all the expertise required to make a digital product a successful product.

        See more projects

        Our blog

        Awwwards best websites

        I was recently quoted as saying, I don't care if Instagram has more users than Twitter. If you…

        Working from your home?

        Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an engineering student.…

        Some amazing buildings

        When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking…

        Ready to get started? Get your copy of Uncode.

        Creative Designers

        Awesome & skilled


        Inspired by clouds

        Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently captures what I had…

        Calm over the horizon

        Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being…




        Portfolio Projects


        Happy Clients

        Creative Studio

        We love what we do.

        Digital agency.

        We design products, packaging and user experiences with a unique research-based process i call Informed Creativity. Our work has been recognised with multiple international awards and widely covered in the press.

        About Us

        Let's Talk.

        We work for the most innovative and best-loved companies in the world.


        Awesome stuff.

        Advanced Grid

        Truly one of the most powerful and advanced grid system with equal-height columns.

        Digital Branding

        Uncode comes with pixel perfect & clean design to satisfy any possible an impossible needs.

        Top Performance

        Automatically adapt and set your images for best quality on all devices and resolutions.

        Responsive Design

        A perfect responsive theme powered with selective options for different screen resolutions.






        Cups of Coffee



        “Dream big, work hard and surround yourself with love.”

        Fresh news.

        Creative Artist

        New Album

        Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley.

        Latest Video

        'Changes' Videoclip 2017

        Soundcloud Mixes

        Photo Gallery

        Latest News

        Calm over the horizon


        Hello world!


        Apie Mus

        “Terbakrauskis” – tai kasmetinė šventė skirta šeimoms, kurios dėka miestas atgyja ne tik dėl prekybos, bet ir dėl gausybės meninių pasirodymų, atrakcijų, pramogų ir žaidimų, kuriuos ir šiemet bus galima atrasti 2020 m. rugpjūčio 21-22 dienomis Šiaulių prekybos centro “TILŽĖ” lauko aikštė.

        Šiais metais mugėje “Terbakrauskis” sukursime keletą erdvių. Viena iš jų skirta mūsų mažiesiems. Vaikams bus skirtos išskirtinės pramogos ir meniniai pasirodymai.


        Kita erdvė -skirta visiems, norintiems paklausyti geros muzikos, atsipalaiduoti, pašokti. Bus pakviesti žinomi Lietuvos atlikėjai, kurie sukurs teigiamą atmosferą ir gerą nuotaiką Šiaulių mieste.

        Penktadienis, 03

        Mugės atidarymas
        Programa Programa

        Kažkoks koncertas

        Šeštadienis, 04

        Mugės atidarymas
        Programa Programa

        Kažkoks koncertas


        Mažesnis atlikėjas
        Mažesnis atlikėjas

        Mažesnis atlikėjas
        Mažesnis atlikėjas


        *Registracija vyks iki rugpjūčio 19 d.

        Registracija Dalyviams

        Skelbiame, kad registracija į mugę “Terbakrauskis” prasidėjo 2020 m. liepos 27 dieną. Kviečiame dalyvauti!

        Jei kilo klausimų, rašykite el. paštu arba skambinkite tel. +3706 5626296.

        Tautodailininkų zona

        2x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 36€

        3x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 36€

        3x3m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 66€

        4x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 56€

        4x3m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 72€


        Maisto prekybos zona

        2x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 68€

        3x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 68€

        3x3m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 98€

        4x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 88€

        4x3m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 136€

        Maisto prekių prekybininkams

        Maisto prekybos zona

        2x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 124€

        3x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 124€

        3x3m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 154€

        4x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 144€

        4x3m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 248€

        Rūkytos žuvies, rūkytos mėsos prekybininkams

        Prekybininkų zona

        2x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 68€

        3x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 68€

        3x3m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 98€

        4x2m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 88€

        4x3m. Prekybinis plotas ➨ 136€


        +370 65626296



        “Sambos pramogos” VŠĮ

        Įmonės kodas 304185503

        Kauno g. 6a, Šiauliai LT-78103

        Banko sąskaita:  LT574010051003630468

        DNB bankas

        Partneriai ir Remėjai

        Didžiulė padėka remėjam ir partneriam.